17 Songs That Made Me Happy in 2023 (and 2022)

You know what’s funny? Even though I turned 50 in 2023 (which still doesn’t make any sense to me and isn’t particularly funny), somehow I enjoyed pop music primarily geared to teenagers more this year than I have since I was a teenager myself. Okay, it’s not funny ha-ha, but it’s funny odd. The past year was also a big one for a band I fell in love with as a teenager, plus a few ‘90s artists and a whole lotta brilliant female voices.

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46. “Companion (Lay Me Down),” Wide Mouth Mason

It was the “before times,” just a few months before the pandemic, the last time I saw Wide Mouth Mason live. It was the album launch show for their 2019 release I Wanna Go With You, where singer/guitarist Shaun Verreault referred to himself as C-3P0 because of the multiple golden slides he wears on his left hand while playing his lap steel guitars. A clever fan shouted that he should more accurately be called “SV-PO.”

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Review: The Beaches at FirstOntario Concert Hall in Hamilton, October 27, 2023

Well, that was different. Really good different, but definitely different. When last we left my Beaches concert journey, it was February 28, 2020. There were inklings in my mind that there was a virus going around that maybe I should be a little concerned about, you know, being packed in with 1,500 standing-room-only, die-hard fans. And I started my review of that show by saying, “Tonight I realized that The Beaches are my favourite band.”

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Extreme Six album review: Reasons to say, “Whoa!”

Extreme Six album cover

Extreme’s new album, Six, takes me back to when I was a young hair metal fan, around 1990. I heard “Mutha (Don’t Wanna Go to School Today),” off Extreme’s debut album, on the radio and immediately set up my cassette deck to record it off the radio. Then, after I heard “Decadence Dance” and “Get the Funk Out,” from Extreme II: Pornograffitti, a few years later, I said to myself, “screw this taping off the radio; I’m gonna spend some allowance on that cassette.” On first listen, I couldn’t believe my ears: there were all these amazing funky hard rock songs with jaw-dropping guitar solos, but then suddenly you’re hit with what I thought of at the time as a Simon & Garfunkel type song in “More Than Words” (which I heard months before it became a big hit). And there was a lounge piano song (“When I First Kissed You”), and a more up-tempo acoustic song in “Hole Hearted.” So I knew this wasn’t your run of the mill hair metal band.

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